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What Do I Need to Do to Prepare for a Sleep Test?

June 3, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 10:28 pm
older man smiling in preparation for a sleep test

Are you showing symptoms that closely align with sleep apnea? If so, there’s a good chance your physician is recommending you undergo a sleep test to receive a formal diagnosis. Performed either at home or in a special laboratory, they provide medical professionals and sleep dentists with information that allows for thorough treatment and ultimately, your ability to live a better quality of life. If you’re needing an upcoming test, here are a few things you can do to prepare so your results are completely accurate.

The Purpose of a Sleep Study

If you want to start sleeping better and breathing easier, a sleep test is the first step you need to take. If you are struggling with chronic fatigue, irritability, moodiness, frequent headaches, and continuous awakenings throughout the night, your sleep dentist in Powell will likely recommend this to ensure you do, indeed, have sleep apnea.

At Home or In a Lab: What You Need to Know

Depending on the type of sleep study you have performed, you can expect there to be different steps that must be taken to ensure accurate results. If you are instructed to go to a special laboratory and undergo sleep testing, you can expect a specialist to monitor how many times you experience ceased breathing as well as analyze how your brain, breathing, and movement differ between each sleep stage. The technician may discuss CPAP therapy that same evening if you are exhibiting symptoms or if you should return to undergo a longer sleep test.

If you’re recommended for a home sleep study, your sleep physician will provide you with a device you wear to bed but can be limiting, as certain problems can occur while sleeping in one particular position. It is often recommended that you sleep on your back when undergoing this type of test.

How to Prepare for a Sleep Study

No matter which type of sleep study your physician recommends, there are a few potential suggestions you’ll need to be mindful of that can ensure it is successful and leads to a proper diagnosis. For example, you should:

  • Keep a sleep diary in the weeks before your study, as this will allow you to track how often you wake up throughout the night, what time you go to bed and rise in the morning, as well as any other sleep patterns you observe during the designated timeframe.
  • Inform your doctor about any medications you’re taking, as you may need to stop taking some of them prior to your sleep study to ensure accurate results.
  • If you’re going to a laboratory for a sleep study, make sure to gather your belongings in an overnight bag, being sure to include a special pillow or blanket that can help you sleep better, pajamas, toiletries, and a change of clothes.
  • Avoid any caffeine or alcohol the day of your test, and don’t take a nap.

During your initial appointment, your physician will go over any additional details to help you better prepare for your sleep study. By taking these steps and paying close attention to the instructions provided to you, the results of your test can help your sleep dentist choose the right treatment solution for your individual needs.

About the Author
As a board-certified nurse practitioner, general dentist, and dental sleep medicine practitioner, Dr. Shelley Shults is committed to helping patients get better sleep. Graduating from The Ohio State University in 2001 with her Doctor of Dental Surgery, she has since devoted her career to serving as an expert in sleep medicine. If you or a loved one are experiencing symptoms associated with sleep apnea and want to know if you need a sleep test, contact us at (614) 396-9310.

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