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4 Potential Dangers Associated with Untreated Sleep Apnea

August 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 9:40 pm
woman covers ears because of husband’s sleep apnea in Powell

Snoring, fatigue, moodiness, forgetfulness, and even frequent waking throughout the night can be a bother. They can also be signs that you’re living with sleep apnea in Powell. Even after receiving a formal diagnosis, you may be thinking, “It’s not that big of a deal.” Unfortunately, you’re wrong, and it is a very big deal. By choosing to forgo treatment for your sleep condition, you are not only causing problems for the person who has to listen to you snore each night, but you’re putting your overall health at serious risk. Here are 4 potential dangers that can arise if you choose to neglect sleep apnea treatment.

High Blood Pressure

Each time you are interrupted while sleeping as a result of your ceased breathing, it sends your body and brain into panic mode. Because this can happen once or even a hundred times every night, this roller coaster effect causes your blood pressure to continually lower and rise. Additional stress is placed on your body when the inability to breathe causes your blood oxygen level to drop. By receiving sleep apnea treatment and talking to your physician about blood pressure medication can lead to an improvement in levels and achieving adequate rest.

Obesity/Being Overweight

When living with sleep apnea, there is a good chance you’re feeling chronically fatigued. As a result, you’re less likely to exercise, which can lead to weight gain. Also, many individuals who are considered clinically overweight have thicker necks because of the increased fatty deposits found around this particular area. This causes a blockage in the airway, making it harder to breathe at night. This common sleep condition can also cause more ghrelin (hormone) to be released, resulting in increased cravings for carbohydrates and sugars. Physical activity and a healthy diet, in combination with sleep apnea treatment, can help to shrink your waistband and improve your sleeping patterns.


When feeling depressed or anxious, you may find it harder to get adequate sleep. Your brain is thinking about all the things that are causing you problems in your life, which makes it increasingly difficult to calm down and just sleep. When your body is unable to get the rest it needs, the symptoms you experience the following day (i.e., exhaustion, irritability, etc.) can, in turn, lead to depression. Should you feel upset or stressed about something going on in your life, make time to talk to a professional and find ways to address these issues so you can start getting better sleep.

Heart Disease

Researchers have discovered that individuals who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are more likely to have a heart attack. Reduced oxygen because of a blocked airway is a common culprit that can lead to a stroke or even atrial fibrillation. Because sleep can make it harder for the body to take in oxygen, the brain cannot control blood flow through the arteries, which leads to heart disease.

Seeing a sleep dentist in Powell to mitigate these dangers will not only allow you to get better sleep, but you’ll also be able to embrace a better quality of life.

About the Author
Dr. Shelley Shults is a board-certified nurse practitioner, general dentist, and dental sleep medicine practitioner. She graduated from Wichita State University with a bachelor’s degree in Nursing before going on to graduate from The Ohio State University with a Doctor of Dental Surgery in 2001. Dr. Shults and her team are proud to offer patients a solution to their sleep problems and look forward to helping you achieve the rest you need. If you or a loved one is suffering from sleep apnea, contact us at (614) 396-9310.

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