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Can Sleep Apnea Give You Nightmares?

October 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — powelldental @ 10:34 pm
man waking after having a nightmare

Do you struggle with frequent nightmares? Does your heart race? Do you feel as if you can’t breathe? Unpleasant dreams night after night can make going to bed an unwelcome and terrifying event. You might even think there is nothing you can do to curb these thoughts and experiences, but there is! When you feel as if you’re struggling to breathe or wake to gasp for air, you may be suffering from sleep apnea nightmares. Read on to learn more about this common condition and how a professional can help.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that affects millions of children and adults. When the soft tissues of your mouth or throat begin to relax while you’re asleep, they can collapse and create a blockage that prevents adequate airflow. Known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), this is the most common form of sleep apnea and can occur hundreds of times each night. Causing you to gasp and wake suddenly feeling as if you just ran a race, your heart rate and blood pressure will continually lower and rise with each episode, which can put you at risk for more serious health conditions (i.e., heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.).

Why Do Nightmares Occur When Suffering From Sleep Apnea?

If you suffer from OSA, there is a chance you may have more disturbing dreams or nightmares. It is believed that because the body experiences a lack of oxygen as a result of sleep apnea, this can translate into your dreams, making them more terrifying and unpleasant.

If you manage to remember your nightmare, there is a good chance it will carry with you throughout your day, causing you to experience anxiety, stress, and even depression. Over time, these symptoms can worsen and require the help of a trusted physician.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Sleep Apnea?

To treat sleep apnea, it is essential that you visit a licensed specialist who has the appropriate experience and training. After undergoing a sleep study and having your results properly analyzed, a sleep dentist will recommend one of the following solutions:

  • Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), which is considered the “gold standard.” Designed to push air through the nasal or face mask that you will wear while sleeping, this device helps to keep your airway open.
  • Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT), which requires having a customized device created to comfortably fit your mouth and shift your lower jaw and tongue in a way that keeps your throat from collapsing and creating a blockage.

Seeking professional help for your sleep apnea will ensure you get the rest you need while also reducing your chances of continually experiencing nightmares night after night. With the right treatment, you can enjoy a better quality of life that allows you to sleep better and breathe easier.

About the Author
Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Are you afraid to go to bed because of the nightmares you continue to have each night? Dr. Shelley Shults is a board-certified nurse practitioner, general dentist, and dental sleep medicine practitioner who wants to help. Leading a team of professionals at Powell Dental Sleep Solutions, she uses advanced technology and treatments to help patients get the rest they need while embracing life to its fullest. If you want to sleep better and no longer be fearful of what may develop in your dreams, contact us at (614) 396-9310.

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