When studying the effects of sleep apnea, countless studies reiterate the importance of seeking treatment early on. One group of researchers recently discovered that women are at a much higher risk of developing cancer when symptoms of sleep apnea are evident. If you are struggling to sleep through the night because you cannot breathe freely, read on to find out how a sleep expert can be your biggest ally when it comes to saving your life.
Cancer, Women, & Sleep Apnea: What Does the Research Say?
In a study of 20,000 adults who suffer from sleep apnea, data from the European Sleep Apnea Database was analyzed by an international research team that discovered a link between female sufferers and a potentially higher risk of cancer.
The data concluded that the risk for cancer was 2-3 times higher in females with serious sleep apnea symptoms than in men. When combining female hormones with the added stress that occurs because of a lack of oxygen that’s related to OSA, the body’s immune system weakens, making it a prime target for cancer cells to form.
While obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and cancer share some of the same risk factors (i.e., obesity or being overweight), it cannot be confirmed that sleep apnea causes cancer, only that a link exists among women.
This connection has created several theories among scientists, one of which is the lack of oxygen (intermittent nocturnal hypoxia) that occurs throughout the body as well as interrupted sleep. Because of how the blood vessels, tissues, and immune system interact and change, it could create an environment that makes it easier for tumors to grow.
How Seeking Treatment Can Save Your Life
If you think you may have sleep apnea, or your spouse informs you that you snore loudly and/or wake up gasping for air throughout the night, don’t wait to see a sleep expert. Making an appointment with someone who is professionally trained to diagnose and treat OSA can be one of the most important things you do for yourself; in fact, it can potentially save your life.
With the help of a customized oral appliance, you can wear it at night while you sleep, allowing your jaw to move forward just enough so that your throat muscles do not collapse onto your airway. This prevents sleep interruptions and makes it possible to breathe freely. As a result, your body will not experience unnecessary stress that could potentially lead to more serious health problems like cancer.
Don’t dismiss sleep apnea symptoms; instead, seek the help of a trusted expert who will offer a solution that not only helps you get the rest you need but also allows you to embrace a healthier lifestyle.
About the Author
Dr. Shelley Shults is a board-certified registered nurse, general dentist, family nurse practitioner, and dental sleep medicine practitioner. At Powell Dental Sleep Solutions, she and her team deliver reliable solutions that are made to help patients breathe better while also improving their sleep patterns. Knowing the various links that exist between sleep apnea and problems such as cancer, cognitive decline, and cardiovascular disease, she encourages you to contact us at (614) 681-8593 so that a proper evaluation can determine the approach we take to treating your sleep apnea.